Wednesday, November 19, 2014

December Essential Oils Events

December Schedule of Events

     The benefits of Young Living Pure Essential Oils are many. Join us in learning how you can get healthy and stay healthy this winter with powerful natural non-toxic essential oils. Understand how to use and benefit from the top 10 Everyday Essential Oils (Oils 101). Hear from individuals themselves how Young Living oils have improved their health, mental outlook, energy, and quality of life.

Dec..1            Mon  6 pm   I got My Oils, NOW What? (Team Meeting)
                          Solon Giant Eagle (come early & get coffee and a snack)

Dec.  4           Thurs  6 -8 pm   Essential Oils and Raindrop Massage Technique
                   to register
                        * 8223 E. Washington Street, Bainbridge Oh

Dec. 5            Fri  6:30-8:30 pm   Essential Oils and Raindrop Massage Technique

                         Wellspring Studio 9076 Church St., Twinsburg, Ohio

Dec. 12          Fri  6-8 pm   Make and Take gift bag (must register) limited to 8
                         Solon (Julie’s house)

Dec. 13          Sat  noon-3 pm   Make and take gift bag (must register) limited to 10

                to register for class *above

Dec. 19          Fri  6-8   Make and Take gift bag (must register) limited to 8
                         Solon (Julie’s house)

     If we could show you how Essential oils will make you feel younger, healthier, less aches and pains and have more energy, would you be interested?
     It has been found that all the above and more can be had through a technique called
Raindrop massage. We hope you'll find as most people do that eight (8) specific oils work on the skeletal, respiratory, digestive, nervous, lymph or immune systems, to bring about wellness and keep wellbeing. The oils are directed toward inflammation
, pain and body alignment.
     Introductory offer and gift certificates available at class.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Understanding the Science behind Essential Oils

        Science was Not my favorite subject.
Sitting in Mr. Sauder's Earth Science class squashed even the remotest like towards the subject.  However, over the years I've had to face the facts that Life in it's many forms, is science. We must understand the relationship between plant life and humans. The nutrients of plants is a God given source of  sustenance for human life and health. But through the centuries of manipulation of foods by corporations, our once chock full of vitamins and minerals food, has been rendered deplete of nutritional value. What once was a source for health and life is now the source of disease and demise. Health conscious people have had to learn to supplement with high quality sources of  things to help oxygenate the blood as a help to assimilate what nutrients they do get from foods. 

     In this audio message Dr. Gary Young describes the science behind Why and How Essential oils have the highest ability of any known substance to oxygenate blood. Because of that ability oils work for the common cold, relieve and reverse arthritis and  has amazing ability in resolving issues of cancer. It's a wonderful educational program by a profound naturalist who has studied under some of the worlds renown Oil experts, from China, Ecuador and through the US of A. Mr. Young is sought out for his understanding of oils and their constituents.
     I don't claim to truly understand how Terpenes, Esters, Ketones, Phenols, Sesquiterpenes make essential oils the perfect remedy for most all that ails humanity. Essential Oils are proven to be anti-bacterial (against all forms including MRSA) antifungal, antimicrobial, antitumoral, antiparasitic, antiviral, and antiseptic. I've read and heard hundreds of testimonies of persons who have used Oils to resolve issues that seem unresolvable in traditional medicine.  The more I read and hear, the more I want to know and understand. Seems like my dislike of Science has come full circle and has become a new love.
     Listen to this seminar as Dr.Young explains the science behind essential oils in  "The Missing Link".  If you plan on attending my Intro To Essential Oils Class. This audio will be helpful in getting the deeper understanding of what I will be speaking about. Don't forget, Friday June 13, at 6:00 at my house.
      Until the next Blog...Good Health To You. Here's the link.

join me on my FB page

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

One Oil At A Time

Cover Photo
     Been working on my Oily Facebook Page where people can find a lot of information on the value and many benefits of Young Living Essential Oils. Now, that I have it up and running I can collaborate between my blog and Essentials of Essential Oils page to bring you all updated information. You can find our Facebook page at
     The oils have quickly become a big part of our daily lives. In just a short time we have found dozens of reasons to use them. Being the time of year, Spring, allergy season, we have grown to love Lavender for its quick relief of itchy eyes, running nose and sneezing. For stuffed heads, Peppermint is an instant relief. But, we'll talk about that later.
      In February I began combing through books, videos, and websites to start my education on the use and benefits of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, which Young Living Oils are. I love being introduced to so many other people who have oodles of knowledge on Oils and have a shared  interest in finding more natural approaches to getting healthy and staying that way.
     Online I'm running a drawing for a 15 ml bottle of Peppermint Oil. One of the top ten oils that are MUST have in any medicine cabinet. To get their name in the drawing they have to LIKE my page. For you non-facebookers If you read my blog and save it to your favorites I will put your name in the hat too. The only way for me to know if you are in is to type your name on the bottom of the Blog in the comment box. Drawing will be held at the Introduction To Young Living Essential Oils Class being held on Friday June 13 at 6:00 at my house. You do not have to be present to win but, all who receive this email is welcome to come learn about Everyday Oils. 
     Below you will learn about Peppermint. I hope you enjoy my post as much as I enjoy sharing them.
Photo: Todays featured oil is?

PEPPERMINT:  Why is Young Living Peppermint so popular? As with all YL oils it is 100% pure. It can be aromatic, applied topically, and ingested. Read your labels. Most brands are not ingestible. Peppermint has traditionally been used to calm heartburn, headaches, gas and colic. It's used to soothe digestive disorders and for freshening breath, cooling fevers. It clears mental fatigue, helps with  memory and concentration. Has an energizing effect. 
     We would not be without peppermint in our Oil arsenal. When we do use it this is how...
     Heartburn - 1 drop on tongue or on finger and pressed to the roof of your mouth. If it's really bad, I will put 3 drop in a capsule and take it. 
     Headache - 1 drop to press against temples, above the brow between eyes and 1 drop from base of skull down neck. Top of big toe.
     Upset stomach - 1 drop on roof of mouth, one drop/cut with 4 drops olive oil and rubbed on stomach area. Vita flex points of hands or feet.
     Energize Yourself - diffuse for a refreshing, uplifting aromatic lift. Puts spring in your step. University of Cincinnati found in a study that inhaling peppermint oil increased mental accuracy of students by 28%. Think peppermint oil during test time.
* Caution when using with high blood pressure or pregnancy.
* Do not get into eyes. Flush with olive oil NOT water.
* In our house I'd Always dilute 1 drop per tbsp carrier oil if I use it on my grandchildren.Todays featured oil is?

PEPPERMINT: Why is Young Living Peppermint so popular? As with all YL oils it is 100% pure. It can be aromatic, applied topically, and ingested. Read your labels. Even though they say 100% pure, they are not. They can have as little as 5% oil, filled with many other constituents and still be called 100% pure. If they were pure they would not have a label stating "do not ingest", they also would not have an expiration date. The majority of oils bought in stores are not Pure, therefore their therapeutic value is compromised. Very few if any are ingestible. That's what sets Young Living apart from the rest.
Okay, with that out of the way, I will introduce you to Peppermint Oil.
      Peppermint has traditionally been used to calm heartburn, headaches, gas and colic. It's used to soothe digestive disorders and for freshening breath, cooling fevers. It clears mental fatigue, helps with memory and concentration. Has an energizing effect.
We would not be without peppermint in our Oil arsenal.
When we do use it this is how...
Heartburn - 1 drop on tongue or on finger and pressed to the roof of your mouth. If it's really bad, I will put 3 drop in a capsule and take it.
Headache - 1 drop to press against temples, above the brow between eyes and 1 drop from base of skull down neck. Top of big toe.
Upset stomach - 1 drop on roof of mouth, one drop/cut with 4 drops olive oil and rubbed on stomach area. Vita flex points of hands or feet.
Energize Yourself - diffuse for a refreshing, uplifting aromatic lift. Puts spring in your step. University of Cincinnati found in a study that inhaling peppermint oil increased mental accuracy of students by 28%. Think peppermint oil during test time.
* Caution when using with high blood pressure or pregnancy.
* Do not get into eyes. Flush with olive oil NOT water.
* In our house I'd Always dilute 1 drop per tbsp carrier oil if I use it on my grandchildren.
Right click on the images and save as reference.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Story of Thieves

     In October as flu season revved up it paid a visit to our household. Like many it started with scratchy raw throat, sneezing, itchy watery eyes. Because I did not jump on it within the optimal 1st hours, within a day or two my husband and I were running fevers and coughing the deep barrel cough.  Two weeks elapsed before we were feeling well enough, and wasn't coughing anymore with every inhale.
      Seems like the older we get the more vital it is to use the "golden hour" before the sickness really takes hold to pump your immune system full of helpful agents. Vitamins, supplements and nutritious foods are of essence when your body is under attack. We have warded off many sicknesses applying this code however  I missed it this round.   
     It was when I posted the menagerie of medicinal aids we had been consuming as the bug ran its course, that an Oiler friend posted, "Why use all that when you really only need two things."
    Well, I really wasn't in the mood to hear a sales pitch about the oils she so trust in but, I did file the words NiniXia Red (a supplemental drink made of wolfberries and a host of other nutritious things *see pic below)) and Thieves (known in the world of oils as one of the best antibacterial, antiseptic essential oil on the market) into the back of my mind.
     I had heard many good things over the years about Thieves Oil and Thieves household products but, judged them as too expensive for my taste. However, the Story behind Thieves essential oil stuck with me.

    The introduction of the oil that would eventually be named Thieves, one of Young Livings Best sellers, came during the Bubonic Plague of the 14th century. Known as the Black Plague it wiped out 25,000,000 European inhabitants. Between 30-60% of the population. The field of medicine were helpless as thousands of people from all ranks in life were struck down by the deadly disease. There was no treatment against it. 

     As the story goes there happen to be some spice and oil traders who had been doing commerce in England when king's from several countries close there borders and ports. They stopped all trade while this plague raged on. With no way out of England the traders food and moneys ran out. The traders band together and began going into the homes where folks had died, exposing themselves to the plague, stealing everything of value they could. Touching dead bodies retrieving valuable gold and jewelry did not make them fear or make them sick.  The Plague was highly contagious yet the thieves never contracted the illness.

     Eventually, they were caught. It was obvious they had a secret arsenal to keep them from getting the deadly disease, so the king struck a deal with them. They were given opportunity to confess how they were immune against the loathsome disease and receive a lesser judgment of being burned at the stake. They choose to divulge their secret, giving up the recipe of essential oils that boosted their immune systems keeping them safe from the Plague.

     Supposedly the thieves were all members of the same family from a long line of Apothecaries. They had specific knowledge of what combinations of plant oils could be used to rubbed over their bodies to protect them from the disease.
     Hundreds of years later Gary Young of Young Living Oils made the diligent search to retrieve the recipe for the life saving combination of oils. He found it, reproduced it and respectfully named the aromatic yet medicinally powerful cinnamon and clove based oil after those who initially created it. Thieves.   
     This is no folktale. It is established history that many perfumers and tanners of that era in England also escaped the Black Plague because they too used a combination of powerful plant oils to ward off their demise. They used the plants and oils in making perfumes and in the scenting of leather goods.
      There was one town named Bucklersbury, England where nearly the entire town was saved from the plague, while folks from nearby towns were dropping like flies. Why were the folks in Bucklersbury not affected? It is believed because the town was the center of European lavender trading. Lavender oil has long been known to have powerful disease fighting properties. In fact, it has been proven to have immune enhancing properties that compare or even surpass modern antiseptic and antibiotic drugs.
     This brings us down to todays use of Thieves oil. It has been perfected by Young Living Oils with the highest standard ingredients. There may be cheaper imposter oils that claim to be as good but, the Thieves brand was the first and is the best. Thieves is highly guarded as the seeds are put into the best soils of the world, cultivated with the greatest care, until bottled and the Young Living Seal is put around the cap.
     Young Living’s Thieves Oil has been scientifically proven to kill deadly germs. Research from Weber State University in Utah has shown that it has a 99.96 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria. It was proven to be highly anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic.
*Research shows that Young Livings Thieves Oil effectively interrupts the life cycle of bacteria and also interferes with the ability of viruses to replicate. Studies also confirmed that most viruses and bacteria cannot live in the presence of many essential oils, including two of the oils found in the Thieves Essential Oil Blend, cinnamon and clove.  
     This healing oil is a blend of five different therapeutic grade essential oils, including cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This combination of healing oils covers a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and contains properties that strengthen the immune system. Due to its effectiveness against highly infectious germs, including viruses and bacteria, it is one of nature’s most powerful natural home remedies.
     It is a powerful blend yet mild enough to use on children and babies. It is one of my favorite oils. My household will never be caught without it. We use Thieves Oil for flu, colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, strep, toothache, cuts, poison ivy, and as an immune stimulant. We use it to eliminate odors, disinfect around the house, and so much more.
     If you read my last blog you will recognize that it is Thieves, lavender and frankincense taken with NingXia Red that proved to be the cure for what would have surely been another two week ordeal of coughing, hacking and overall feeling like crap. But No! With the immunity boost of the combination oils and NingXia, the flu got shot down before it took hold.

If you would like more information on Thieves Oil or any of Young Living Oils contact me by leaving your email address in the comment section or call. I will return an email within 24 hours.



Sunday, April 6, 2014

Thinking Out Of The Box

     A Pandora box of insight was opened the moment I punched the words, natural remedies into the Google search bar. Since then, I have learned there is not just one natural remedy for nearly everything that plagues mankind. There's dozens.
     Someone said to me recently, "So what "thing" are you into now?" At first I was a little offended but after reasoning I can see how they could say that. My course over the last 12 years may seem like I bounce from one "great alternative" way of healing to another. There's so many different ways to help our immune system to recover from disease, to help it fight to keep us from becoming sick in the first place, keeping us healthy behind the scenes while we live a good life, and so yes I am guilty, I have been interested in them all. 
     It is hard not to share information that I know has truly helped me and may help others, in a non-toxic way. Take for instance, depression. Been there done that. OR at least that's what doctors had me believe. Like a million other women I was prescribed all kinds of pills over a 15 year course. Prozac, Wellbutrin, Desyrel, Zoloft and others. Still never answering why I was depressed, anxious, down. Even with the meds the depression would always return. Thus, the switch to another medicine. Tired of the obvious, I investigated and read much about Omega 3's and  Complex Vitamin B's and what effects not having enough of these in our systems does to our brains. I started a regimen of a tbsp. liquid fish oil  2X a day and Mega Foods B complex  (whole food no fillers) 2 times a day. Within a very short time I started feeling better. Energy and positive thoughts flooded my mind. I felt better than I had in years. I have not taken any prescription drugs for depression in nearly 20 years. Depression along with a host of other things subsided. And it is so easy, non toxic. I did not hear this from a doctor. I read it in books. In documents found on the internet. My brain was starved for the nutrients that make it work right. Once those nutrients fed my brain, depression symptoms let up. This is not to tell you what to do, it is what worked for me.
     My belief is that chiropractic is: awesome for many  ailments that plague people. Acupunture/acupresser is awesome for many diseases, as is the different massages. I believe vitamins and supplementation or lack  thereof play a huge role in all common diseases of today. Good Nutrition is a key that has been explored by traditional medicine only recently.  Something that "alternative medicine" has long proclaimed as one of the answers to many of the devastating illnesses plaguing mankind.  Lesser know reflexology which my mother had an attachment, holds a place for healing, as well as the ancient, yet seemly new booming business of Essential oils.
     I don't claim to know everything about any one health alternative but, I do spend a great deal of time getting enough information to make educated choices about what I might do in individual circumstances.  I'm not a specialist. I'm  more like a general contractor. Know a lot about many areas of health, some much better than others. I have learned what it takes to keep me out of a doctors office, in fact, except for a naturopath I see occasionally, I don't do doctors.  An occasional asprin and the bioidentical hormones i'm currently on, (eventually I will wean off them and use Essential Oils to balance my hormones. I am on no other prescription drugs. At 56 I think that's pretty good. 
     That's not to say my family and I never get sick. Of course we do. But there's a remedy, nutrient or oil for that.    IF, I jump on a cold at the first sneeze or within "the golden hour", supplementing vitamin C & D (boost immune system) and Echinacea (boost immune and dry up sinuses) every 4 hours, I can usually get rid of it before it gets a firm hold. If not I will be sick for at least a week. 
In fact, as I write this I am fighting a cold. It's being fought with some of my old favs and some new additions. Two ounces twice a day of a wolfberry super power antioxidant drink called NingXia Red (see above) We ad the Knockout Shot to the NingXia and took this for three days. I also rubbed 1 drop each of peppermint, lavender and frankincense on all the vitaflex points (feet, hands and chest) for sinuses/chest. We used Echinacea and peppermint oil to help dry up and open the nasal passages. Had I had my Netti Pot we would have done that too but, I left it back in Ohio. I suspect this cold will be all but gone tomorrow. Making my down time 3 days. I  used the same technique on my husband last week when he came down with all the classic symptoms of cold/flu on Thursday and was pretty much back to himself by Sunday. We're literally in the test period of proving to ourselves if essential oils are all that books and people say they are. So far we have not been disappointed. This new protocol proved worthy of finding its way into our medicine cabinet and remedy book.
     What about the little pink, blue and yellow packets? Wheat? Sugar? These are all common everyday foods that have been all a buzz. Can they possibly be the culprits of so many problems that have developed over the last forty years? "IF this is true all the doctors would know." Why don't we hear about it on the News? Argh! that's a whole nother blog. Research!
     It is my opinion that how much of these things a person uses has a clear impact on how well or how sick she will become, whether now or down the road. This world is a sick place. I try to keep up with current topics. Some ring true, some don't. But IF I don't put in my due diligence to learn and understand, how can I or anyone else poopoo or agree  with any one thought. Many times it the people who haven't taken a lick of time to research a subject, use a natural remedy, try a technique or use a protocol for a period of time that are the most vocal in the bashing of the claims. Their disbelief is founded on hearsey and ignorance.
     If you come to me with an ailment or question, I will happily direct you to resources that I've found helpful. Books, websites, videos and even an essential oil. It will be up to you to follow through and come to your own conclusions. 
     It's funny how things have come a full 360. Forty years down the pike I am the one everyone calls a "health nut."
     "So what am I into lately?" Continue to follow my blog and you will be learning right along with me about the world of  Young Living Essential Oils.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A History Lesson

      Back in the day Indians had medicine men and we had  great great grandma's tried and true concoctions. The Chinese had Chinese medicine that worked for thousands of years. If those failed then one would visit an herbalist, a homeopathic and yes even the oil salesman. 
       All that began to change during the late 1800's and especially during the  early 20th century. Modern medicine and pharmacology began digging their heels in. Without getting too political, each one of these now called "alternative therapy's" were slowly crushed, (not just by chance) and put out of business in America. Therapy's that had been used since Biblical times were then being labeled "quackery." 

     Medicine has been ruled by big pharma for about a 100 years. They pour money into medical schools which then are roped into servitude to teach specific curriculums that are approved by them and Natural medicines or nutritional wisdom were not a part of it.  Pharma have the backing of big money, government agencies and of course the doctors. In these hundred years we have seen the hospital and pharmaceutical business grow into a monstrous multi billion dollar beast.
    Think of it, IF they came up with a cure for cancer, it would collapse the economy. Yes, I said it. Think of the millions of jobs at stake. Think of the billions of dollars hospitals, doctors and pharmaceutical industry would loose every day, year. Not to mention the thousands of smaller companies, charities and med schools that are supported by the system. In my opinion, a cure can not be found or our world will be thrust into a depression with no recovery.
     An excellent book to read about the rise an strangle hold of the medical complex and Pharma has on our economy is "A World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin.  Since 1971 and Reagan's War On Cancer, a Ka-zillion dollars have been spent on cancer research yet, statistics remain the same, in fact they have gotten worse. Don't get me wrong. That is not to say that some hospitalizations and pharmaceuticals aren't helpful, even lifesaving but, rather than trying to find the causes (cause and effect) or delve deeper into natural solutions (can not be patented, therefore makes them no profit) for all the maladies that ail mankind, they spend billions to create a new drug that mask over the symptoms. All the while putting on a guise of concern but never really addressing the underlying question for breakdown in the first place.
     The medical complex's ginormous marketing campaign over the years to educate med students while discrediting anything outside said allopathic medical  norm, along with people putting blind trust in the medical system and their doctors, has led us all where we find ourselves today, dependent on a failing drug oriented medical care system. But, people are starting to wake up.
     Thanks to the internet we no longer have to passively allow hospitals, doctors and pharmacists dictate our health life course. We can educate ourselves, be informed patients. Know our options.
     Sadly, It's usually after an individual has run out of allopathic options and is sent home to live out the rest of her life with the original problem and a hand full of drugs, that she turns to researching "alternatives" with a more open heart and mind. 
     That's when she comes up against a plethora of options long ago poopooed by conventional "wisdom". With much skepticism she begins her course meandering into the realm naturopathic medicine, holistic and nutritional therapies, vitamin and supplementation, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, massage therapy and now, essential healing oils.
     Reading opens the eyes to pioneers of years gone by who never quit blazing the natural trail.  Esteemed scientists, doctors, dentists and journalists who refused to follow the course dictated to them.  Who is this Max Gerson, Weston Price, Royal Rife, Linus Pauling, Gary Young, Hulda Clark, Russel Blaylock, Jonathon Whitiker and Susy Falon? Books by MD's like Ray Strand's "Death By Perscription or G. Edward Griffin's "A World Without Cancer." Companies like Life Extention or the Natural Health Ranger.
     There is so much "alternative" health and nutrition information that has been researched by intelligent upstanding courageous (can't use enough adjectives) individuals that until the internet, was only found in a obscure corner of the library.  Now, for the discerning individual, it's all there for the asking. It can be overwhelming. I know because I live it. With the passing of my first brother I was forced to look back on life. My mothers words came blasting back from the grave. My ex-father in law, the health nut (yes, I married the high school sweetheart) lectures now made sense. Without hardly knowing it, I set on a mission to understand healthcare choices that would turn me 180 degrees.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Alternative Alternatives

     Around 2009/2010 I was introduced to a  retired Cardiac nurse who had all but saved my daughters sanity with yet another technique of  "quackery." Let me explain.
     I will try to make a very long an sad story short. My daughter had loss a set of twin girls at twenty weeks while vacationing in Florida. After delivering the girls Leah was left scratching herself because of an insatiable itch that was driving her crazy. The hospital had done all the standard testing for liver toxicity, because itchy skin is a symptom of toxic liver. All test came back negative. They sent her home, saying "She'd been through a lot and it is probably a psychological/emotional issue." 
      This itch was no ordinary itch. She had scratched her whole body into into raw red mess. Once back home in Michigan Leah went to see the Cardiac nurse we'll call JJ. JJ had left the hospital scene to become a holistic practitioner who used a machine called the BioMeridian Scan. Without a lot of detail, the bio-meridian scan works along the line of an EKG or EEG. The human body has 14 meridians  leading from our feet and hands to all the vital organs. These are the same meridians that medical doctors, acupuncturists or reflexologists use. A wand is pressed against the meridian sites which then sends an electrical pulse down each meridian and depending on how long the pulse takes (whether it gets bogged down mid stream) to get to specific organ attached to that meridian. The feedback can tell how well or sick and what areas are of concern. Similar to EKG.
     Within a few minutes the scan had detected a toxic liver. Now you may think this is voodoo medicine but, the simple vitamins, enzymes and a cleanse that were prescribed by JJ because of the scans findings, healed Leah's liver, clearing up all signs of itching within a few days. Until then the itching and being told it was all in her head nearly drove my daughter crazy. I am scared to think of what might have lay ahead for Leah had she not sought out this unconventional holistic practice. Thank goodness she did.
     Western medicine IS NOT the end all know all good medicine. It has its limits and that is what forces (and thankfully so) patients to search out alternative ways of healing.  Alternative practices have by necessity slowly found their way into modern medicine under the name Integrated Medicine. Not because these alternative practices were sought out but because patients demanded it. Now, chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, bio feedback, green nutrition and yes, Essential Oils have found their way into many of the top hospitals in the country, including our Cleveland Clinic.
     My daughters loss was just one more reason to start educating myself on what alternatives are available outside of the norm. Learning about the BioMeridian Scan was now a priority.
     The first scan JJ performed on me pinpointed to a tee many of the symptoms and troubled areas I had long known. I was profoundly intrigue at how accurate the diagnosis was and the relative ease of how to remedy many of my issues. I was convinced.
     For the next two and a half years JJ would travel once every couple months from Detroit to my suburban Cleveland home to see dozens of  BioMeridian "believers". Testing them and offering natural healthy solutions to best remedy ailments that many had lived with for decades. I learned so much about Natural Health care, ie. vitamins, nutrients, enzymes, probiotics, colloidal silver from JJ during those years, I will forever be grateful. Since, I hear she and a partner has opened a clinic and continue to help folks who want a different avenue of care than what allopathic medicine currently offers.
     Still, you ask, what does this have to do with Young Living Essential Oils. Be patient, I'm getting there. Join me for my next post.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Journey's Genesis

       Finding my way to Young Living Oils started recently but, the journey that led me to this point began in the early 60's when I was a child. My mother was either a pioneer or a left over student of an era when essential oils, homeopathy and Grandma's homemade prescriptions were the mainstay in human health. Before modern medicine most of our Grandma's best remedies for health came from one of these sources.

Me and my husband of 26 years
     My mother studied under one of Detroit's only reflexologist where she learned the technique of homeopathy and reflexology. My youngest brother and I were her guinea pigs. Our medicine was not typically asprin or pepto bismal but, tiny beads we'd happily put under our tongues until they disappeared. I loved how it felt as she rolled her knuckles into the bottoms of my feet, kneading the tips of her fingers into the tops of each of my toes.  The fact is I didn't appreciate what a wonderful health educated person had a hold of my feet.
       Years later, I was exposed to another "health nut" who poo pooed the American Medical norm while dating my high school sweetheart. His father was the Jack Lalane in our circle of friends. He daily drove home the benefits of nutritional health, vitamins, minerals and fish oil supplementation. It was no surprise when thirty years down the road, he and his son opened a chain of health food stores. I learned a lot from him, yet stubbornly refuse to adopt the healthy way of living saying "if this were so great, all the doctors would be preaching about it."
     Fast forward to 2002 when I witnessed first hand the destruction of a human soul by modern medical techniques. Watching as my fifty year old brother succumb not to the cancer that spread through his body but, the ravages of chemo "therapy", tortured me.  It made no sense to me to introduce a chemical that kills everything good, in efforts to achieve health.  Bomb the whole house to clean out the rats is ridiculous reasoning.  There has to be a better way. If anything good came from Jon's death it is this: It put me on a path to understand all those things my mother tried to teach me. It opened my heart and mind to gain a better knowledge of what  "the health nut"  was trying to instill all those years ago.
      Years later, with hundreds of books under my belt, so many health oriented videos that I can't count, oodles of personal interviews with people who swear by one natural health regimen or another, I have found great faith in many alternative modalities. Of course, everyone must choose for themselves who and what they will put their trust when it comes to health. However, I feel strongly that you do yourself a huge disservice if you do so blindly. We must take charge of our own medicinal destiny. Doctors are not gods. There are many non destructive alternative medicines to "heal thy self."
     Educating ourselves first of all takes an open mind, open heart and a thirst for knowledge. I had to live a little to learn to appreciate life and it's fragility to feel a need to know and understand something better.  I continue to have the desire to understand my body in relation to healthy alternatives to allopathic medicine.
     This is an introduction to me, Julie, and my journey through the medical mire which is our health care system. Telling how I find myself with a reflexology book in hand and a kit of 12 most used essential oils on my lap.  I am confident in alternative medicines. Young Living Essential Oils being my latest alternative endeavor of understanding. Join me in my next blog page to learn why I want to "get into" Essential Oils as an alternative to my usual medicine cabinet.