Wednesday, May 28, 2014

One Oil At A Time

Cover Photo
     Been working on my Oily Facebook Page where people can find a lot of information on the value and many benefits of Young Living Essential Oils. Now, that I have it up and running I can collaborate between my blog and Essentials of Essential Oils page to bring you all updated information. You can find our Facebook page at
     The oils have quickly become a big part of our daily lives. In just a short time we have found dozens of reasons to use them. Being the time of year, Spring, allergy season, we have grown to love Lavender for its quick relief of itchy eyes, running nose and sneezing. For stuffed heads, Peppermint is an instant relief. But, we'll talk about that later.
      In February I began combing through books, videos, and websites to start my education on the use and benefits of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, which Young Living Oils are. I love being introduced to so many other people who have oodles of knowledge on Oils and have a shared  interest in finding more natural approaches to getting healthy and staying that way.
     Online I'm running a drawing for a 15 ml bottle of Peppermint Oil. One of the top ten oils that are MUST have in any medicine cabinet. To get their name in the drawing they have to LIKE my page. For you non-facebookers If you read my blog and save it to your favorites I will put your name in the hat too. The only way for me to know if you are in is to type your name on the bottom of the Blog in the comment box. Drawing will be held at the Introduction To Young Living Essential Oils Class being held on Friday June 13 at 6:00 at my house. You do not have to be present to win but, all who receive this email is welcome to come learn about Everyday Oils. 
     Below you will learn about Peppermint. I hope you enjoy my post as much as I enjoy sharing them.
Photo: Todays featured oil is?

PEPPERMINT:  Why is Young Living Peppermint so popular? As with all YL oils it is 100% pure. It can be aromatic, applied topically, and ingested. Read your labels. Most brands are not ingestible. Peppermint has traditionally been used to calm heartburn, headaches, gas and colic. It's used to soothe digestive disorders and for freshening breath, cooling fevers. It clears mental fatigue, helps with  memory and concentration. Has an energizing effect. 
     We would not be without peppermint in our Oil arsenal. When we do use it this is how...
     Heartburn - 1 drop on tongue or on finger and pressed to the roof of your mouth. If it's really bad, I will put 3 drop in a capsule and take it. 
     Headache - 1 drop to press against temples, above the brow between eyes and 1 drop from base of skull down neck. Top of big toe.
     Upset stomach - 1 drop on roof of mouth, one drop/cut with 4 drops olive oil and rubbed on stomach area. Vita flex points of hands or feet.
     Energize Yourself - diffuse for a refreshing, uplifting aromatic lift. Puts spring in your step. University of Cincinnati found in a study that inhaling peppermint oil increased mental accuracy of students by 28%. Think peppermint oil during test time.
* Caution when using with high blood pressure or pregnancy.
* Do not get into eyes. Flush with olive oil NOT water.
* In our house I'd Always dilute 1 drop per tbsp carrier oil if I use it on my grandchildren.Todays featured oil is?

PEPPERMINT: Why is Young Living Peppermint so popular? As with all YL oils it is 100% pure. It can be aromatic, applied topically, and ingested. Read your labels. Even though they say 100% pure, they are not. They can have as little as 5% oil, filled with many other constituents and still be called 100% pure. If they were pure they would not have a label stating "do not ingest", they also would not have an expiration date. The majority of oils bought in stores are not Pure, therefore their therapeutic value is compromised. Very few if any are ingestible. That's what sets Young Living apart from the rest.
Okay, with that out of the way, I will introduce you to Peppermint Oil.
      Peppermint has traditionally been used to calm heartburn, headaches, gas and colic. It's used to soothe digestive disorders and for freshening breath, cooling fevers. It clears mental fatigue, helps with memory and concentration. Has an energizing effect.
We would not be without peppermint in our Oil arsenal.
When we do use it this is how...
Heartburn - 1 drop on tongue or on finger and pressed to the roof of your mouth. If it's really bad, I will put 3 drop in a capsule and take it.
Headache - 1 drop to press against temples, above the brow between eyes and 1 drop from base of skull down neck. Top of big toe.
Upset stomach - 1 drop on roof of mouth, one drop/cut with 4 drops olive oil and rubbed on stomach area. Vita flex points of hands or feet.
Energize Yourself - diffuse for a refreshing, uplifting aromatic lift. Puts spring in your step. University of Cincinnati found in a study that inhaling peppermint oil increased mental accuracy of students by 28%. Think peppermint oil during test time.
* Caution when using with high blood pressure or pregnancy.
* Do not get into eyes. Flush with olive oil NOT water.
* In our house I'd Always dilute 1 drop per tbsp carrier oil if I use it on my grandchildren.
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