Anyone in Network Marketing eventually MUST come to terms that to make it in this business You will have to do some real soul searching, demand personal development of yourself and Dream Big. If not, you WILL give up. Truly, its that way for all who have a dream and follow it. You can be a good football player or a lawyer. but that does not take you to the end result of Olympian or President. It's the same of someone who starts their own business as a network marketer. You may get a few friends and family to buy your products but, to become a Network Marketing Professional, building a business of financial freedom, you NEED commitment, persistence, practice, education and especially a solid belief system to get you there.
We all have hopes and dreams of a better job, better life, better relationships yet, the majority find them selves in dull non challenging jobs, living a life where lives are full but, love, joy and enjoyment for life are lack luster. We settle for friends and relationships that do not enhance our lives, nor do they help us reach for our full potential. Sometimes they even tear us down and nip away at us when we do begin bettering ourselves. Why?
Why, do we settle, loose sight of our dreams and are okay with not becoming all we are meant to be. Everyone has unlimited God given potential to reach the moon. We are meant to be happy, full of life, intelligent beyond our wildest dreams. We are meant to dream, set goals and a plan on how to reach those goals to attain the dream.Yet, as we grow older the majority of us quit pursuing our dreams?
While most settle for what life hands them, what keeps others committed to their dream, like Nick Vujicic who with no legs or hands has become a world renown motivational speaker who made it his aim to climbed Mt. Kilimenjaro? What drives someone like Helen Keller to become a sought after teacher and international speaker though deaf and blind? Or Thomas Edison despite being called crazy, stupid and "failing" hundreds of times, persist until his dream of light was won. And what about D.Gary Young's relentless pursuit and education of essential oils, finding what he terms "the missing link", between modern medicine and nature. Growing one small farm into the World leader of essential oils. All these people have one thing in common.They had a Dream that they wouldn't let go of.
They all had tremendous obstacles in life to overcome. They had the harsh realities of negative people, callous words of of bullies, ney-sayers and their own inner voices and belief system. Yet, they had a desire to overcome, keep reaching for, got knocked but kept getting up, each time with a greater determination of going after their Dream.
What keeps them so focused? What keeps them setting goals, even when they fail. What is it that drives them to follow dream after dream after dream?
Mindset. Though many failures they never lost sight of their vision. Learn how you too, can resurrect your dreams or create new ones and go after them with vigor. Become a Network Marketing Pro. Create the life you want. Live the life you love. Let each rock you have to overcome become a stepping stone to success.
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